About My Blog

Hello everyone! I thought for my first post, I would share a bit about me, why I started the blog, and what the main focus will be. Reading and writing are my two greatest passions, and, besides school, what I spend most of my time doing. I've been devouring books since the third grade at an insatiable pace, so clearly, I've read a lot of books. After conquering, it seems, nearly every Middle Grade novel, I became a teenager and found the whole new world of YA. Finding books has always been the tricky part for me. I always had trouble finding interesting books that met my reading need at a content level that was appropriate. The older I get, the easier it is, but I always wished that I could find a place with honest reviews and recommendations from kids my age. That's what inspired the Reading portion of my blog. The writing came from my passion for the craft. I aspire to be a published novelist one day, but right now, I write plenty of short stories to submit to contests and for fun. I'm planning on writing content in the three categories listed in the title: Reading, Writing, and Me.

This category will include book reviews and recommendations. I will post a weekly round up of the books I read that week with reviews and rankings. If there are any standouts, I'll do a special feature article for it with a more detailed description and analysis. I generally read Contemporary YA, but I am open to other. genres. I get a lot of my suggestions from the new release lists from publishing houses and book Twitter, so I read lots of current books. If you read any of the books from my post, feel free to comment and tell me what you think. Also, if you read a standout book please share it with me as I'm always looking for suggestions.

When I read a book, I look for three main things: Characters, Plot, and Writing. I believe that a story can be successful if two of these hit the mark completely or almost completely. The standouts are when I book meets all of these to the fullest potential.

I also love getting ARCs, and I'm working on making that a larger part of my blog as it continues to grow. My Spotlight New Releases section features the reviews that I've brought to you before the release date. These come out on Wednesdays and alternate with writing posts based on demand.

I wanted to create a space where I could share some of the work I've written that doesn't quite fit within a contest category. My short stories are usually pretty random ideas and offshoots that I want to explore. They are my experiments with different styles, topics, and voices because they are noncommittal. Please tell me what you think in the comment! I love hearing feedback.

This section is the only one I'm not 100% sure about yet. These posts will vary in subject matter and content because my vision right now is for this to be like a miscellaneous section for the thoughts and ideas that don't really fit anywhere else.

Social Media: 
Instagram: @WritingReadingandme
Twitter: @ReadWriteandMe

I hope that you guys enjoy reading my blog and find it helpful and entertaining!


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