
Showing posts from October 29, 2023

Congratulations, the Best is Over! by R. Eric Thomas: nonfiction review

Congratulations, the Best is Over!  by R. Eric Thomas Thoughts: I wasn't familiar with R. Eric Thomas's previous essay collection before I picked up this one on a whim from a list of recommended nonfiction books. It seemed to fall under the category of books centered around figuring out what you're going to do with your life, though this one with the unique slant of the question following you beyond your twenties. I've enjoyed my share of essay collections, but I've never read one quite like this.  For the things I liked about it, Thomas has a hilarious voice and is able to throw sarcastic jokes in almost every sentence without it feeling particularly overwrought. He's a natural storyteller and very entertaining. That's what propels this essay collection forward. Sentence by sentence, it held my attention and often got me to smile, if not laugh. There's a reason he's had a successful writing career, and it's abundantly obvious.  The issue with th