Books I'm Looking Forward To: May
It's the end of another month! That means it's time to start talking about the books we can look forward to for May. Like I said last month, release dates are rapidly changing. Many books are getting pushed farther into the summer or fall, so I've had to change up the list a little since I first started collecting titles. There's a chance there will still be changes, but these are updated to the best of my abilities. Unfortunately, this means that there aren't many books on this list, but the next few months are bursting with new titles. I'm still looking forward to all the books I've had to move. Just like the April post, I encourage you to place preorders or library requests for the books you're adding to your TBR if you can. This time around, I'm adding links to each author's website (just click on their name) because many authors are partnering with specific bookstores to offer special incentives or signed books. It's also a great w