
Showing posts from August 29, 2021

My First Time Trying a Book Box: Literati Luminary Book Club Review

I am incredibly excited for today's blog posts because I'm working with Literati to share my experience with their Luminary Book Club. If you've been keeping up with my posts, I recently talked about how book clubs are an amazing way to fend off a reading slump, especially when life gets super hectic, and even with a super long TBR, I've still felt lost when I go to pick out my next read. I'm so grateful to Literati for sending me a book box and sponsoring this post!  On top of feeling stuck with choosing what to read, I've also been trying to explore more genres and the world outside of YA. YA has been my home base for so long that I always get overwhelmed trying to figure out what I want to read in other genres. Luckily, Literati had just what I needed. I got the chance to choose from 13 different book clubs all curated by Luminaries who are amazing, award winning writers, thought leaders, and artists you most definitely know like Malala and her Fearless cl...

Fresh by Margot Wood: YA Book Review

  Fresh  by Margot Wood Get a Copy (this is an affiliate link. purchasing through this bookshop link helps support indie bookstores and this blog at no cost to you) Overview: Elliot isn't really sure why she's going to college. It's the next step that people take in life, I guess. She also isn't sure why she's at Emerson. It sounded better than Ohio State. She has no plan, no clue and how to approach college life. Quickly, Elliot gets sucked into a whirlwind of all the worst college tropes- the endless cereal bar, hooking up with everyone in the Little Building, not paying attention in any of her that classes she doesn't really want to be in anyway... the list goes on. She quickly forms a tight group of friends on her floor, but even those connections get tested as the year progresses. Eventually, Elliot is forced to realize that she needs to care about the academic side of college, and she craves closer connections than a trail of hook ups. Elliot, like most co...

How To Keep Reading (Even With a Busy School Schedule)

Back to school season. New pens and markers, backpacks, and routines all come with less time to read. Maybe you spent all summer devouring books but have hardly read a page since school started. Or maybe you're like me and were in a slump before the semester even began. Regardless, we're all looking to get back into reading for fun, even with less time on our hands. Over the years, I've found tons of convenient ways to sneak more time into the day for finishing books and keeping non-required reading a part of your weekly schedule. Not all of these tips will work for everyone, so definitely scroll through the list and take what might work for you and leave what doesn't. Or, you could try a new tip each week and see which ones stick.  1. Read on Your Commute  Everyone's  commute looks different, so this tip won't universally apply, but it's a great way to take advantage of under-utilized time. If you walk or drive yourself to school, audiobooks are a great wa...