The Reputation Era and Taylor Swift
Hello, everyone! A lot has happened in the past twenty-four hours. Hurricane Harvey has been rapidly increasing in strength as it swirls over the Gulf of Mexico and Taylor Swift dropped her first single after a crazy week of ominous promotion. This article is about the later, but, first, I want to say that I hope everyone stays safe during this hurricane. I will maintain my posting schedule to the best of my ability as the storm continues to approach, but in the event of a power loss, I'll do my best to upload as soon as possible. Today, I wanted to discuss the latest song from an artist I've loved for a very long time, Taylor Swift and her new single "Look What You Made Me Do". I'm curious to know what you think about this plunge even deeper into mainstream pop as I haven't even quite figured out what I think myself. Last night, Taylor Swift released her first single off the Reputation album coming on November 12. After wiping her social media, Tayl