
Showing posts from September 24, 2017

Coming Up This Month: October

Hello, everyone! Tomorrow is the start of  a brand new month! I can't believe it. With all the crazy things that happened to me in September, the month just flew by. October promises to be hectic too, but in a good way, especially for all of you. Along with pumpkin flavored everything and Halloween, October here means lots of special author events and books we can't wait to read! Also, due to a bit of a mind slip yesterday, this is the second article I'm posting today. For this mornings article, check out the Links Of Interest below! As always, follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook for special updates, behind the scenes looks, and advanced news on all the new awesome things that happen during the month. Here is my plan for October (so far!). They're might be some slight adjustment. Week 28 Part 2: The Sun Is Also A Star  by Nicola Yoon Week 29: Part 1: Grit  by Gillian French Part 2: Buzzkill  by Beth Fantasky And a special Friday editorial! W...

Spotlight New Release: We All Fall Down

Hello, everyone! I can't believe I forgot to post this yesterday! It completely slipped my mind. I got caught up in reading Julie Murphy's Ramona Blue  in anticipation of Texas Teen Book Festival which is only a week away. I've been caught up in a whirlwind of preparations. But, anyway, here is my review of We All Fall Down  by Natalie D. Richards which is available for preorder now and comes out on October 3. This is a bit of a genre bender that creates an interesting dynamic for the book. On the subject of ARCs, I've lined up a few more exciting first looks, and later today, I'm going to post an article sharing all the fun things I have planned for October.  We All Fall Down  by Natalie D, Richards (368 pages) Overview: Paige and Theo had been best friends since they were twelve, but everything changes one night their Junior year when Theo's miscalculated punch hits Paige while their at a party on the docks under the Cheshire Walking Bridge. Ever sinc...

Weekly Reviews and Recommendations: Week 28 (Part 1)

Hello, everyone! This week I have two great books, Words In Deep Blue  and The Sun Is Also a Star . Also, on Friday, before We All Fall Down  comes out, I'm going to share what I think. And, finally, I'm going to share about my super packed October in a Coming Up This Month post on Saturday! Until then, here's the first part of the weekly reviews, and in the links below, I've added the links to last week's reviews. Don't forget to read and check out A Short History of The Girl Next Door  which is out now! Words in Deep Blue  by Cath Crowley (269 pages) Overview:  A second hand bookstore, two former best friends, and the vast Australian ocean come together in Cath Crowley's new book  Words in Deep Blue . Rachel is moving back to Gracetown after three years away in the wake of her younger brother's death. Once back in town she is forced to confront everything she'd gotten to leave behind: her former best friend and his snobby girlfriend, her o...

Weekly Reviews and Recommendations: Week 27 Part 2

Hello, everyone! This week I've spent a lot of time reading and planning some exciting things for the blog in the coming months. As you will find in the Links of Interest below, I got the chance to read and review A Short History of The Girl Next Door  by Jared Reck which is available for preorder now and comes out September 26. Along with that link, you'll find one to the first part of today's article. This has been an interesting reading week as well as I've read an amazing F. Scott Fitzgerald short story, Babylon Revised, for class, one new release YA that I found I didn't love, and my current read, Who's That Girl  by Blair Thornburgh, which is absolutely phenomenal, and I can't wait to publish an article for it later in October. Then, of course, there's prepping for Texas Teen Book Festival in Austin which is now less than two weeks away. Along with posting a recap of the events, I've been working on scheduling a special series of reviews for ...