2024 Goals Check-In and Setting 2025 Goals

It's the end of "end of the year list" season, so I'm losing steam, but we're going to crawl over the finish line with my Goals post revisiting the goals I set for myself in 2024 and then mostly forgot about (though I feel like I did a good job getting through them) and setting new goals I will quickly forget for 2025. I like setting these parameters for my reading at the start of the year, and this year, they're mostly a practical to-do list, like clearing off my physical TBR before I no longer have access to it. I also treated myself to a brand new Kindle because my old refurbished one no longer consistently works, so I'm incredibly excited to read plenty of e-books this year. 2024 Goals Check-In Goal 1: Read 75 books. Complete! I made it to 100 books, which, if I'm being honest, was my real goal all along. I try to aim for setting my goal in a more attainable range, and anything over 100 feels like too much to ask for. Luckily, I got 104 books fi...