
Showing posts from December 29, 2024

2024 Goals Check-In and Setting 2025 Goals

It's the end of "end of the year list" season, so I'm losing steam, but we're going to crawl over the finish line with my Goals post revisiting the goals I set for myself in 2024 and then mostly forgot about (though I feel like I did a good job getting through them) and setting new goals I will quickly forget for 2025. I like setting these parameters for my reading at the start of the year, and this year, they're mostly a practical to-do list, like clearing off my physical TBR before I no longer have access to it. I also treated myself to a brand new Kindle because my old refurbished one no longer consistently works, so I'm incredibly excited to read plenty of e-books this year. 2024 Goals Check-In Goal 1:   Read 75 books.  Complete! I made it to 100 books, which, if I'm being honest, was my real goal all along. I try to aim for setting my goal in a more attainable range, and anything over 100 feels like too much to ask for. Luckily, I got 104 books fi...

My 2024 Reading Wrapped: My Reading Stats with Over 100 Books

Every year, I look back on the reading that I've done and break it down into as many random stats about my reading choices as I can think of. My spreadsheet logs a lot of data, but it doesn't make me the awesome graphs that Storygraph does (I need to start using it next year). I keep a close eye on the number of books I've read, but a lot of these other stats are big surprises as I add up pages read, sources I got my books from, and the formats I've read them in. If you're a book nerd like me that enjoys a good stat, I hope you have fun seeing what  another reader's stats look like. Past Wrap Up Posts: 2023 2022 2020 Major Stats This is the real meat of the post right up front. I get super granular with random stats that I can pull out of my yearly spreadsheet later on, but I figure we'll start with the big picture. The biggest of which is how many total books I managed to read in 2024, and that is 104  total books. I probably could've read another book ...

My Highest Rated Book from Each Month of 2024

I'm going back to the data for this year's favorite books post, which is oddly something I've never done on here. Usually, I make the list purely based on vibes (which I also did, don't worry, you can read it here ). I thought it would be interesting to also go month by month to see which books came out on top and get (ideally) twelve (way more than that in reality) books that should conceivably be my favorite reads of the year.  The problem is that data makes for weird inconsistencies that vibes don't. Like some months you read a ton of incredible books and other months you don't really care for anything that you read. A top book of March might not hold the same weight as a top book in July, and there are books I loved that got left off this list. Even within the same month, I've realized that certain ratings have a lot more love behind them than others. Also, sometimes, I give multiple books the highest rating and that changes the totals. Finally, there ar...