My August 2024 TBR

July was a tough reading month. I got COVID, which was bad for me and mostly bad for my reading too. Then I had my birthday, went to two concerts , and worked 6-day-weeks three weeks in a row. Between that, I've tried to sneak in hikes, river trips, and plenty of reality TV. So I haven't been getting heaps of reading in. Then all my library holds showed up this week. Instead of getting a giant stack in at once, every day I've gotten word that another book is ready for pick-up. So on my way home from work each day, I get to run into the library for a new book. This has quickly made me realize I need to get reading ASAP before everything has to go back to the library. Two of these books are still on my to-do list to pick up this weekend. There are only so many days I can go to the library in a row! Daddy by Emma Cline I started this early into the month because my digital library hold finally came in. I wasted most of it, so now I'm in the final few days to read the la...