
Showing posts from December 6, 2020

November Wrap Up 2020

  We're already way into December, but I still wanted to provide a bit of a recap of November. It felt like one of the longest months yet and also the shortest. Maybe because the first two weeks felt interminable and the final two felt like a mad rush. I've been incredibly busy juggling school stuff while still trying to blog and post YouTube videos, so that has been an adventure. It's definitely hampered my reading goals. I still read more than in October, but I didn't have any saved up posts, so I only got about one blog post up a week. It'll probably be like that until the new year as I try to get through finals, but I do have a couple exciting posts planned for the end of the year. For a quick school update, I'll be honest and say that I'm completely burnt out. Going to class on Zoom has worn me out completely since the start of the semester, and that hasn't gone away. I'm exhausted, and I've been working really late, so I'm physically ti...