My 5 Star Reads of 2022
It's that time of year when reading goals are met or abandoned, and we all spend the liminal week between Christmas and New Years curled up with a book trying to escape the cold. Or, at least, that's what I do. This weekend, I'll compile all my reading stats into an annual reading report blog post, I figured that I'd start off by celebrating my favorite books of 2022. While I'll have to choose an ultimate favorite in a few days, all my 5 star reads deserve a little bit of love. I was surprised by how few 5 star reads I had this year (I'll have to check if it's lower than in year's past), and the categories reflected look very very different than any year before now. So without further ado, here's the YA, fiction, and nonfiction favorites that have stuck with me all year long. YA Ophelia After All by Racquel Marie Why It's 5 Stars: Being many years removed from high school and honestly not ever having had much of a high school experience , it t...