What's on My October TBR? Sally Rooney, Axie Oh, Taylor Jenkins Reid, and More!

Considering it's already October 12 when I'm posting this, I am definitely coming to terms with the fact that I'm not going to get through all of these books before the month is over. Maybe if I spend all of fall break reading nonstop I'll make it, but I'm not holding my breath. Still, I figured I'd share the books that I'm hoping to get through this October to possibly inspire you to pick up a new book or two sometime this month. The Bookshop.org links noted below are affiliate links. That means that a purchase made through this link will directly go towards supporting the blog! At no extra cost to you, the blog will get a small percentage of the sale. It is a great way to support the blog and indie bookstores at the same time! Beautiful World, Where Are You by Sally Rooney Get It On Bookshop! I started reading the new Sally Rooney book a few days ago without having really absorbed the title or read the summary at all. I guess that shows you what name reco...