
Showing posts from October 10, 2021

What's on My October TBR? Sally Rooney, Axie Oh, Taylor Jenkins Reid, and More!

Considering it's already October 12 when I'm posting this, I am definitely coming to terms with the fact that I'm not going to get through all of these books before the month is over. Maybe if I spend all of fall break reading nonstop I'll make it, but I'm not holding my breath. Still, I figured I'd share the books that I'm hoping to get through this October to possibly inspire you to pick up a new book or two sometime this month. The links noted below are affiliate links. That means that a purchase made through this link will directly go towards supporting the blog! At no extra cost to you, the blog will get a small percentage of the sale. It is a great way to support the blog and indie bookstores at the same time! Beautiful World, Where Are You by Sally Rooney  Get It On Bookshop! I started reading the new Sally Rooney book a few days ago without having really absorbed the title or read the summary at all. I guess that shows you what name reco...

A New Chapter for Reading, Writing, and Me

As you might have noticed, in the last week, Reading, Writing, and Me has gone through a bit of a rebrand. After nearly five years, it started to feel like some major changes were needed. Both in mission statement and design, the choices I made at 14 no longer align with the current version of me that exists at 18. While, in a way, it was as simple as tweaking my Blogger template and rewriting some policy pages, this new chapter for the blog has unearthed many feelings about growing up and realizing just how much I've changed as a person over the last few years.  I'd been considering a shift for the blog since this past summer. I'd played around with changing the design and giving it an update away from the signature hot pink. Every time I went to change it, though, I got nervous about what changing something that felt so foundational to the blog would do. Hot pink has always been one of my favorite colors (I had a scarily pink room when I was around 8), and I loved that I ...