
Showing posts from January 17, 2021

ReRead Reviews: Emergency Contact by Mary HK Choi

  Before I started this review, I wanted to preface it because I'm trying out a different review style. I read Emergency Contact back in 2018 when I first got the book from TeenBook Con, and I immediately fell in love with it. It was one of those books that I knew I was going to love from the second I laid eyes on the cover (which is still one of my all time favorites), and I was right. I've recommended this book nonstop for three years straight, so I decided that I should read it again to make sure I still loved it. Also, 2021 has not  been a great reading year, so after a couple DNFs, I decided to go right back to my comfort zone. I'm usually not a fan of rereading, but I actually had a great time.  For these reread reviews, I'm writing them in a more open format since I've already reviewed them in my usual style of characters, plot, and writing. I'll be giving them a new starred review and linking the original post about the book. But my goal for these new re

Fighting New Semester Fears With 12 College YA Books

  I haven't finished reading a book lately because I'm in a horrible reading slump, so no review yet, but I did throw together a blog post. I made a list of college YA (with a couple YA that are just set on college campus or that have college vibes because there isn't a ton of college YA). I haven't had a ton of ideas lately, and this one is inspired pretty directly from my life. I start my second semester of college tomorrow. I'm super nervous, so I don't know why I'm making content around it. Still, I've related to all of these characters on a very deep level, and I want to keep shouting about college YA so hopefully publishers accept more and more of it. Just like we need younger YA that creates a better bridge with middle grade, I'm hoping we'll get more college YA to bridge into adult. I haven't read or finished all of these books, but for the ones I have, I've linked my review. Just click the title to view it. Also, the purchase lin