The Woman Destroyed by Simone de Beauvoir: Short Story Collection Review
The Woman Destroyed by Simone de Beauvoir Overview: The book was first published in 1967, so it's by far the oldest book I've read by choice since I read Jane Austen in middle school. Classics assigned in grade school largely left a bad taste in my mouth, and I've never figured out how to decipher which ones actually deserve to stand the test of time. (If you'd like to give me more recommendations, I liked Rebecca , Pride and Prejudice , and Frankenstein most). I have a weird relationship with things made before the '90s unless they're from the 1800s because I have no real context for what I think they'll sound like or feel like. A serious failure of the education system is that every history class I've ever taken stopped around 1900 and never covered any recent history besides random, isolated events. Since The Woman Destroyed has suddenly become trendy amongst the lit fic online communities, I figured I'd hop on the bandwagon and give it a try....