I Want To Hear Your Voice: Fireworks In The Night
Hello, everyone! It's been a while since I've done an update post, so I feel it's about time. This one will be a bit different, though, because I'm not recapping books or even talking about them at all today. (Though you can find some extra bookish content treats- including my last library haul- on the blog Instagram ( @readingwritingandme ) I wanted to talk about a new adventure I'm embarking on, and, yes, it is literary. While writing is a part of this site, I haven't uploaded much to the section. That's for a number of reasons. Many of my pieces are often tied up waiting for contest results or other publications, but, also, I just don't feel like some of my creative work is a fit for the type of content I like to post here. I absolutely adore running Reading, Writing, and Me, and nothing is going to change about the site. In fact, I have some pretty awesome things coming up for you! But the community I've become a part of through a love of ...