I Want To Hear Your Voice: Fireworks In The Night

Hello, everyone! It's been a while since I've done an update post, so I feel it's about time. This one will be a bit different, though, because I'm not recapping books or even talking about them at all today. (Though you can find some extra bookish content treats- including my last library haul- on the blog Instagram (@readingwritingandme)
 I wanted to talk about a new adventure I'm embarking on, and, yes, it is literary.
While writing is a part of this site, I haven't uploaded much to the section. That's for a number of reasons. Many of my pieces are often tied up waiting for contest results or other publications, but, also, I just don't feel like some of my creative work is a fit for the type of content I like to post here.
I absolutely adore running Reading, Writing, and Me, and nothing is going to change about the site. In fact, I have some pretty awesome things coming up for you! But the community I've become a part of through a love of books and talking about them has made me crave something similar for my creative writing.
This is why I've decided to start my online literary journal of sorts, Fireworks In The Night. I've always wanted to be a part of a literary magazine, and now that I'm doing online school, I have the chance to help boost voices not just within my school or city but on a global scale. Who knows if I'll ever reach those heights, but this whole experiment will be worth it if I can give a few unique stories a home.
I want to hear people's unconventional, experimental, electric stories with strong voices and unique prospectives. Because I'm publishing each piece of short fiction, poetry, or creative nonfiction separately, I'm not limited by a theme or finding cohesion in a group of pieces like many other journals are constrained by. This will allow me, hopefully, to be a home for the amazing stories that fall through the cracks because they don't fit neatly in boxes.
My other major goal is to make the site a welcoming home for other teens and their words. I know how limited the field that accepts teen submissions or YA work is, and I want to offer an alternative outlet that focuses on helping people share what's important to them. I haven't been lucky enough to find a community of teen writers like I have with other book bloggers/bookstagrammers, and I'd love to be a part of building one.
If you've enjoyed the Writing page, which I will continue to update when I find the right pieces, or are a writer yourself, I encourage you to come check us out! I've already uploaded my newest short story as the inaugural piece. Our website is http://www.fireworksinthenight.com where you can subscribe to get updates on new stories. You can also keep up with us via social media: Facebook, Instagram (@fireworksinthenight), and Twitter (@fireworkslitmag). If you are interested in submitting or know someone who might be, here is a direct link to our Submission Policy and Procedures.
Again, thank you so much for making Reading, Writing, and Me so successful that I feel confident in myself enough to indulge in another passion project. The blog was a real shot in the dark, and I never thought it would become this much of a home. I hope the magazine will find a similar success to this amazing place. I look forward to seeing you both here and on fireworks. As a few last words and really the summed up core of what Fireworks In The Night is about, I leave you with these words: Everyone deserves to find a passion that makes their pulse thrum and their heart buzz in the way they do when watching beautiful, electric, explosive fireworks light up the night. Pure magic.

Links Of Interest:
Writing Page: Here
The Fragile Ordinary: Review Here
Gluten Free Eats NYC: Article Here
Made You Up: Review Here


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