Weekly Reviews and Recommendations: Week 21
Hello, everyone! This week has been full of some great books! As the final part of my exploring the library spotlight, here are two great books that prove how valuable perusing the shelves can be! I discovered Crazy by Amy Reed which is a great piece of mental illness fiction that specifically deals with bipolar disorder. The unique story is told via email which I loved. Firecracker by David Iserson is an interesting, fresh take on the rich kid gets ent to public school trope that is hilarious and features a deliciously cynical narrator. This is an exciting month ahead with some great books and some fun Spotlight of New Releases to highlight new books available for preorder or on release day. Crazy by Amy Reed (367 pages) Overview: Isabel and Conner were summer camp instructors who ran the craft shack in tandem. Through dealing with the bratty campers and going on adventures with the other staff members they form a friendship and begin to exchange emails...