
Showing posts from July 14, 2024

Memory Piece by Lisa Ko: book review

Memory Piece  by Lisa Ko Overview: Giselle, Ellen, and Jackie meet as pre-teens in New Jersey, and the novel follows them through their three very different paths in New York City and spans some sixty years, starting in the eighties and jumping far into the future.  Giselle wants to be an artist. She wants to make a point that art is work, labor. She's a performance artist and manages to get some acclaim. Jackie is a programmer with strong ideas but also a strong affinity for the traditional path, including a compromising but well paying job. Ellen is the idealist who nurtures her squat into a co-op over the years. Their paths collide then stray far from one another before finding their way back as the world enters an apocalyptic future that's not too far from our own. Overall: 3 Characters: 3  I struggled with the writing in a way that heavily impacted my relationship with the characters. The scenes are full of so much backstory that's not actually in-scene that it's h