Into YA with Hannah Capin
Today I have Hannah Capin on the blog to talk about her new book, out next Tuesday, called Foul Is Fair. I reviewed it a while back, so if you're looking for a recap or to learn more about the book, you can find that here . I also ask questions about her last book Dead Queen's Club and you can find that review here . Beyond that, enjoy my interview with Hannah! 1) Your book has a very interesting tone. Jade's emotional state at the start of the book really comes out in the tone and the way Jade tells her story. Did that voice come to you from the start or was it something you had to cultivate? The voice is usually the first thing that comes to me when I’m working on a new project, and FOUL IS FAIR was no exception! The very first bit I wrote wasn’t an outline or a character sketch: it was a scene, written in full, and it started with the line “Sweet sixteen is when the claws come out.” That’s still the first line of the book, and in fact the entire first chapter