
Showing posts from July 14, 2019

Mid-Year Freakout Tag

I've never done this tag before, but I've read so many posts on the midyear freakout that I decided to do one myself! July has been a horrible reading month for me. I've been busy every day, and reading has really fallen on the back burner. I'm hoping to dive back into reading more when July is finally over and I have more time again. I did take a trip to the library yesterday (you can find my haul on my Instagram) which has reignited my reading spark. I've already made it 150 pages into a new book. Anyway, over the course of the last month, I have read 63 books in total which will be on pace if I'm able to get back to my regular reading routine. On top of the 63 books, I've had seven DNFs. I'm hoping to make it to 130 books in total for the year, but we'll see. Here's the tag: 1. Best Book of 2019 I'm going to have to amend this and make it best books  because there have been so many stunning titles this year. So that this post ...