
Showing posts from December 31, 2017

Best Books Of 2017!

Though this year has been long, I can't quite believe it's already over! Though in some ways this year has been just awful, I have had an amazing reading year! I finished 118 books (maybe more by now), started this blog, and finished my first manuscript. Seeing that I've read so many great books, I want to wrap up all of my favorites and give out some awards of my own! I'm only highlighting the 2017 debuts since even among those there were 38 to chose from. I'll link back to the original articles in case something catches your eye! (Some of these posts include multiple books that are also great reads as an added bonus!) I'm going to start with individual awards, saving the best book of 2017 for last! So without further ado: Best Cover:  We Are Okay  by Nina LaCour. Though you can't really tell from the picture, the art on the cover and inside flaps is to die for. So is Marin's story!