Spotlight Review: Here So Far Away

Here So Far Away by Hadley Dyer (368 pages) Overview: George is the daughter of a cop, no, the cop in their small, Canadian town. She is also in the popular, close knit group at school. Senior year should be a breeze, even if George's future has no direction. Just one more year till she can follow her friends to the city. Senior year turns out to be so much more when she meets Francis, a handsome stranger, at the lighthouse. The only problem is that he's twenty-nine. George must navigate her new secret love and the problems that come with it alone in order to keep their secret. Overall: 4 Characters: 4 I like George. I thought she was relatable, and I appreciated her snark. Pieces of her story are very relatable as she struggles with friendships, family, and relationships. I also liked her well developed family. Her father is deteriorating from his place of glory after losing his foot to an ignored infection. Her mother is trying to hold the family together to keep them...