Weekly Reviews and Recommendations: Week 6
In honor of World Book Day, here is a (very) small portion of my print books. I still haven't fully bounced back from my late reading last week, so, unfortunately, I only finished one book between Thursday and Sunday. I'm about halfway through Every Last Word , and I'll probably finish it tonight, but I'm saving it for next week's as a reset. Also, with finals in two weeks and a performance next week, school is going to get a bit crazy, so I can't promise many books. I will finish at least one though. While I don't have much to show for this week on the reading front, I posted two other articles on the blog under my two other categories. To celebrate National Poetry Month, I posted a few poems ( http://www.readingwritingandme.com/2017/04/poetry-month-celebration.html ) as well as an article on my thoughts on all the social media out there entitled "Which Social Media Sights are Worth It?" ( http://www.readingwritingandme.com/2017/04/which-soci...