book review: The Hole We're In by Gabrielle Zevin

The Hole We're In by Gabrielle Zevin Overview: The Pomeroy family are fundamentalist Christians. When the book starts, the father, Roger, has uprooted the family to move to Texas while he completes a PhD in education. We follow the family's troubles that range from adultery to financial thievery to clashing values over how to see the world from the 90s all the way through until 2022. The book makes the argument that, perhaps, we never quite make it out of the holes we're born in. Overall: 3.5 Characters: 3 The thing about this book is that almost everyone is a villain. But they are also very average. The Pomeroys are bad parents, but, really, they just do the same things that heaps of other parents do. They put their belief systems ahead of their own children's needs, they're hardheaded, they're cold. They also open credit cards in their children's names when they go broke and ruin their credit forever, which is pretty exceptionally not great, but for the m...