A Very Late (As Usual) Mid-Year Freakout Tag 2024
Summer is always one of the busiest times of year where I live, so my Mid-Year Freakout Tag always ends up being pretty late. Still, we're just about halfway through the year, so I wanted to share some favorites and answer the classic tag questions. I'll discuss this more in my July Wrap Up, but this month has been a super slow reading month for me. I'm definitely not setting any records with books read this year now that I'm working more than full time. I've finished 61 books to date, and I'm hoping I'll manage to hit 100 books this year. Regardless of how much I'm reading, I'm still making an effort and picking up books whenever I can. Best Book So Far 2024 I've read a number of books that I've enjoyed this year (though not too many that I've just entirely fallen head over heels for), so there were a couple contenders for this spot. I think that I have to hand this to Martyr because I've thought about the book extensively since I ...