A Very Late (As Usual) Mid-Year Freakout Tag 2024

Summer is always one of the busiest times of year where I live, so my Mid-Year Freakout Tag always ends up being pretty late. Still, we're just about halfway through the year, so I wanted to share some favorites and answer the classic tag questions. I'll discuss this more in my July Wrap Up, but this month has been a super slow reading month for me. I'm definitely not setting any records
with books read this year now that I'm working more than full time. I've finished 61 books to date, and I'm hoping I'll manage to hit 100 books this year. Regardless of how much I'm reading, I'm still making an effort and picking up books whenever I can.

Best Book So Far 2024
I've read a number of books that I've enjoyed this year (though not too many that I've just entirely fallen head over heels for), so there were a couple contenders for this spot. I think that I have to hand this to Martyr because I've thought about the book extensively since I finished reading it a few months ago. The other contender for this spot I only read a few weeks ago, and I feel like a category this weighty needs some time to marinate and see how the book stays with me in the longterm. We'll see if it holds onto the title by the year in review time. 

Best Sequel 

I don't read Sci-Fi or fantasy or any of the genres that are typically written as series, so I don't have anything to report on this front. I haven't read a single sequel. But to keep it fun, I'm going to instead tell you my favorite book by an author I've read before. That honor goes to Come and Get It by Kiley Reid. I know this book hasn't been the best received and people have found it to be a letdown after Such a Fun Age, but I loved this one! It is the most no plot just vibes book that I've ever read, I'll give the critics that. I think I just really connected with the college campus setting and the characters, so the book worked for me.

New Release You Haven't Read Yet But Want To
There are so many on my list for this. I'm going to pick books that have already been released to create some limitations. Evenings and Weekends by Odin McKenna is getting tons of bookstagram attention, and not having read it is giving me major FOMO. I'm also looking forward to reading Kairos by Jenny Erpenbeck, which isn't super new but is new to my radar.

Most Anticipated Release for Second Half of 2024
I've gotta be boring this one and choose the obvious answer, Intermezzo by Sally Rooney, since I've evolved into such a Rooney fan. If you haven't read it yet, check out my article in the Observer talking about the books I recommend while we wait! I also got an ARC of The Book of George by Kate Greathead in the mail a month ago, and I'm looking forward to reading that as well. 

Biggest Disappointment 

This book came out a while ago, but after buying the paperback in 2019, I finally read The Girls this year. It was a major disappointment. It might not have been the worst book I've read so far this year, but it was so hyped up for so long that it still proved to be a major letdown. 

Biggest Surprise
I picked up The Ministry of Time on a total whim the last time I was at the library, and I was totally blown away by it. I don't usually read anything with a genre twist to it, but this book is the perfect way for literary-focused readers to dip their toe into the world of time travel and science fiction. It's a beautifully written book, and while the ending didn't hold as strong as the beginning, the book still totally took me by surprise in the best way. 

New Favorite Author
You know how I mentioned that there was recent read competing with Martyr for the top prize? That book is Mother Doll by Katya Apekina. I am utterly obsessed with the three weaved timelines, the characters, and the depth in this novel. The writing was incredibly strong, and I'll read whatever Katya publishes next!

Newest Fictional Crush
Normal People has been out for a while now, but I've learned to appreciate it in a whole new way. Along with that, Connell definitely has a new place in my heart, and watching the show gave me a real celeb crush on Paul Mescal. 

Newest Favorite Character

I really loved the characters in Greta and Valdin. The twins made the book and were so interesting to read about in their bond as well as their varied approaches to life and family relationships. I developed a real affinity for them.

Book That Made You Cry

It didn't make me cry, but Conversations on Love definitely made me emotional realizing all the different ways that love can present in your life. I've never been the luckiest in romantic love, and that is often cast as the end-all-be-all for society. This book made me appreciate how much familial love I've received and understand how lucky I am to receive love in that way. 

Book That Made You Happy

Piglet is a book I devoured over a weekend. The book itself isn't particularly happy, but the style and pacing made it a very satisfying read. I'd been really looking forward to the book, and having it deliver on the hype was very satisfying.

Favorite Book to Movie Adaption
I was the last person on the planet to watch the Normal People adaption, but since I dove into that this spring, I've watched it a few more times. It's my pinnacle for book to film adaption since I'd say that it entirely lives up to an already fantastic novel.

Favorite Post You've Written
I recently put out a post about my favorite podcasts for writers that I really loved assembling. I felt lost in the writer-podcast world for a while, so I was so happy to see that I've found enough writer/author podcasts that I enjoy listening to every week to actually create a post about it.

Most Beautiful Book You've Bought
I haven't bought very many books this year, but I did pick up a copy of Ripe at the LA Book Festival, and I love the painting of the pomegranate on the cover, so I'll go for that one.

What Book Do You Really Need to Read by the End of the Year?
For some reason, even though I've never been the biggest fan of Emma Cline's books, I really want to read her short story collection, Daddy, before the year is over. I think I'll always be intrigued by her work regardless of where I fall on each individual book. 


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