
Showing posts from June 5, 2022

And They Lived by Steven Salvatore: YA Book Review

And They Lived  by Steven Salvatore Buy the Book via Bookshop! this post uses affiliate links which means I get a small commission from your purchase at no cost to you! learn more  here . Overview: Chase made it into his dream animation program and is ready to embrace his brand new life in upstate New York as a college student. Though he knows he'll miss his mom and sister, he's ready to strike out as his own person – and maybe find his own happily ever after like all the Disney movies he loves. While college involves facing his ex-best friend who's trying to steal his dream, learning to cope with new roommates, struggling with body image and gender questions, and falling in love with a guy who's just as lost as Chase, it's also a beautiful time to learning and growing with a new support system that understands his art. The stakes are high for Chase at CIA, but the reward will definitely be worth it. Overall: 4.5  Characters: Chase is a bundle of overthinking anxiet...