My Big Summer Library Haul + Chatting Adult Summer Reading Challenges

If you missed it, I moved back to my hometown after going to college in LA for the last three years, and while I'm so excited to be home for so many reasons, being reunited with my library is one of the biggest exciting things about being home. I promise you there is no better library in the world. So when I got off work early a few weeks ago, I drove straight to the library to get a massive haul of books to hopefully get myself out of a reading slump. I've since been to the library again between getting this haul and actually finishing this blog post, so you'll see a new library haul on the blog pretty soon, but I wanted to show you my first mega haul that I was super excited about. Also, as of June 1, adult summer reading is starting, and I'm irrationally excited about it. I participated in summer reading most summers as a kid in school, and it's so cool that I can continue doing it now that I'm old (not really but older than a high schooler). At my library, ...