Coming Up This Month: October

Hello, everyone! Tomorrow is the start of  a brand new month! I can't believe it. With all the crazy things that happened to me in September, the month just flew by. October promises to be hectic too, but in a good way, especially for all of you. Along with pumpkin flavored everything and Halloween, October here means lots of special author events and books we can't wait to read! Also, due to a bit of a mind slip yesterday, this is the second article I'm posting today. For this mornings article, check out the Links Of Interest below!

As always, follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook for special updates, behind the scenes looks, and advanced news on all the new awesome things that happen during the month. Here is my plan for October (so far!). They're might be some slight adjustment.

Week 28 Part 2: The Sun Is Also A Star by Nicola Yoon

Week 29: Part 1: Grit by Gillian French Part 2: Buzzkill by Beth Fantasky
And a special Friday editorial!

Week 30: Part 1: Our Chemical Hearts by Krystal Sutherland Part 2: Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell (This has joined the ranks with my all time favorite books)

Author Event: Texas Teen Book Festival Recap

Author Event: John and Hank Green on the Turtles All The Way Down Tour. I am still in disbelief that I'm actually getting to see John Green!

Week 31: Part 1: The Dazzling Heights by Katharine McGee Part 2: Turtles All The Way Down by John Green. (You cannot imagine how excited I am for this book!)

Week 32: Part 1: Nothing by Annie Barrows Part 2: A Semi-Definitive List of Worst Nightmares by Krystal Sutherland.

An Ode To Halloween

Also, looking in to November and October, I have some awesome Spotlight reviews happening along with a series of extra reviews each week so I can share the books I get at TTBF even faster with all of you!

Links of Interest: 
Spotlight Review: We All Fall Down
Author Event: Katharine McGee:
Week 28 Part 1:

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