Movie Review: Lady Bird

Lady Bird by Greta Gerwig
Overview: Lady Bird has given herself her own name, a step closer to living her own life, hopefully, complete with an acceptance letter to any liberal arts school in New York that will take her. Unfortunately for Christine "Lady Bird", life isn't as easy to change as you name. Even if her family doesn't have as much money as she would like and her mother isn't as supportive as she'd like and people aren't always as good as they seem, Lady Bird must get over the wrong side of the tracks in Sacramento to get on to the better things the world has to offer her. Overall: 5 

Characters: 5 Lady Bird blew me away. I loved her, which is important considering how character driven this film is. She's witty and driven, and she, like all of us, wants things that can't exist and tries a lot of different ways to find that feeling of satisfaction. Even though she spends most of the movie fighting against the tide of the world, everyone floating in Lady Bird's circle is moving her somewhere, even if it takes a while for her to appreciate it.

Plot: 5 Like The Catcher In The Rye, Lady Bird is about life happening to Christine, not so much about the exact things that happen. It's a narrative trick that's hard to execute. Thankfully, this movie doesn't fall short. The events that happen to Lady Bird make you laugh, think, and pull at your heartstrings as they shape Lady Bird into who she will be she starts a new chapter of her life. Gertwig manages to keep it painfully relatable.

Writing: 5 I'm not a movie person. Like at all. But I love Lady Bird. It reads like a book. Every word that's said has a point, delivered with perfect time and inflection. The story winds in and out of itself with precision but keeps the frantic rhythm of life. Gerwig gives the film a heartbeat that I found very much matched my own.

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