Weekly Reviews and Recommendations: Week 3
I had a crazy, super busy week this week with school and homework, so I only got around to reading two books this week, but they were both amazing! To make up for the fewer books this week, and because they both deserved standout features, I wrote longer articles on them which I've posted to the Standout Books section. I'll also link them below with information about them and links to Amazon. I'm also going to post an article about my adventure yesterday at Teen Book Con!
When We Collided by Emery Lord (355 pages) https://www.amazon.com/When-We-Collided-Emery-Lord-ebook/dp/B01A8MYZ3C/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1491174795&sr=8-1&keywords=when+we+collide
Here is the link to my article on it: http://www.readingwritingandme.com/2017/03/standout-book-when-we-collided.html
Please Ignore Vera Dietz by A.S. King (326 pages) https://www.amazon.com/Please-Ignore-Vera-Dietz-King-ebook/dp/B003F3PK3G/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1491175548&sr=8-1&keywords=please+ignore+vera+dietz
Here is the link to my article on it:
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