NetGalley Book Tag

I wanted to do some more book tags again this year, so here's my spin on the tag that Paperbacks and Planners has preserved. This was a fun one to share, and if you're a fellow book blogger/bookstagrammer, hopefully you relate! 

Auto-Approved | Who’s One Author Whose Books You Automatically Want to Read, Regardless of What They Are About?

This is cliche, but I feel like I have to say it anyway, I'll read whatever Sally Rooney puts out. It took a long time for me to get to that place with Rooney–I did not get the hype around her books as a teen at all–but now I have a deep appreciation for all of her books.
Aside from that, I'll read whatever novels Kaveh Akbar releases since Martyr! is my favorite book of the year so far. Elif Batuman and Caroline O'Donoghue (who I discovered by getting a NetGalley ARC of The Rachel Incident) also come to mind. I'm also intrigued to see where Lottie Hazell will go next after Piglet. I wouldn't call her auto-buy yet but definitely on my radar. 

Request | What Makes You Want to Request a Book on NetGalley?

This is going to sound so shallow I almost don't want to admit it, but when I'm scrolling through the pages and pages of books on NetGalley, the first thing that catches my eye is the cover. It isn't the only reason I'll request a book. Of course, I look at the author and summary! I also tend to look at the publisher since there's a large range of houses that get to post on NetGalley. Because I have to review all the proofs I request to keep up my NetGalley score, I need to be really sure I'm going to like the book if I request it. One of the most consistent ways I've found to do that with authors I'm not already familiar with is to look at the publisher and really only request books from publishers that typically release books that match my taste. 

Feedback Ratio | Do You Review Every Book You Read? If Not, How Do You Decide What Books to Review?

Yes, NetGalley or not I review every book I read. Okay, this isn't entirely true, even though I say that a lot. When it comes to nonfiction, I only write a full review if I feel like it's a book you'll find interesting. For the others, I do write quick reviews in my end of month round-up and keep notes in my reading spreadsheet about them. Every so often, if there's a book I really didn't like but happened to finish it for some reason, I might decide against posting a review, but that happens very rarely. I read for fun, for sure, but I also read for this blog, and dissecting the books with you also doubles as a writing exercise. Rarely will there be a book I've read that you don't see appear on the blog. 
Sometimes, though, if it is a NetGalley book I didn't love but also don't feel passionate about talking about, I'll upload a much shorter review than what I write here to preserve my over 80% feedback ratio.

Badges | If You Could Create One Badge to Display on Your Blog, What Would It Be For?

I'm not entirely sure what this question means, but I would love a badge that I could add to reviews of books that I really, really loved to offer them a special distinction. It'd also be cool to have a widget showing how far along on my reading goals I am.

Wish for It | What’s One Book That You Are Absolutely Dying to Read?

I feel like this is pretty obvious again, but the biggest thing that pops into my mind is Intermezzo, Sally Rooney's book coming out in September. But to give you a glimpse at some ARCs I have that I'm excited for: Housemates by Emma Copley Eisenberg, Perfume and Pain by Anna Dorn, and What It's Like In Words by Eliza Moss. 

What Was the Last Book That You Received as an ARC That You Reviewed? If You’ve Never Received One, What’s the Last Book You Reviewed?

I just finished Dear Wendy as my most recent ARC read, and I'm not going to review it on the blog. I was super excited to read a YA book set in college with ace rep by a recent college student, but I honestly was disappointed by it. It read really young (which I did see other Goodreads reviews agree with), especially to be set in college. There isn't a single college kid I know that would be scandalized by a bad word like these characters. I also just didn't love the writing and struggled to get through it. Being 20, I feel like I should have a leg to stand on when it comes to reviewing the authenticity in YA, but my reading preferences have really moved on in recent years, so I'm just going to hope actual teen reviewers weigh in on that one.
If you want to read my recent ARC review I published beyond NetGalley, check out my review of Victim.

More on Reading, Writing, and Me


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